PharmD/MS Curriculum

Students can enter the PharmD/MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences after their P1 year. Students must fulfill the course credit requirements of the respective programs.  

  • Apply to the MS program by January 31
  • Seek advice and identify a research mentor/faculty advisor
First Year Remaining Years
  • Second and third students begin the MS curriculum in the academic year immediately following admission.
  • First year students are generally advised to begin the MS curriculum after completing second year but can choose to pursue the MS after first year based on their academic background and preparation for graduate study.
  • Students rejoin the PharmD curriculum after completing the MS coursework, which takes two semesters. They continue to do research on their MS project during the remaining time in the PharmD program. 

Dual and collaborative degree program students may have different elective course requirements. Consult your advisors.