Funded Projects

Top Funded Faculty

Based on current funded research

Current Funded Research

Updated March 5, 2025
Data provided by University at Buffalo Sponsored Projects Services

Current Funded Research
Award Principal Investigator Award Name Award Type Sponsor Name Award Start Date Award End Date Total Cost
Balthasar, Dr. Joseph
UB-Abceutics SRA
Nonfederal Abceutics 05-Mar-24 05-Mar-29 150,000.00
Balthasar, Dr. Joseph Center for Protein Therapeutics Nonfederal Multiple Sponsors 01-Sep-17 31-Aug-25 13,124,501.70
Balthasar, Dr. Joseph Pharmacokinetic strategies to increase monoclonal antibody uptake, distribution, and efficacy for treatment of solid tumors Federal National Cancer Institute 01-Jun-20 31-May-25 1,781,807.00
Balthasar, Dr. Joseph Enhancement of ADC selectivity by inverse targeting: Mechanistic studies and optimization Federal National Cancer Institute 01-Jun-21 31-May-26 1,791,526.00
Balthasar, Dr. Joseph
Pharmacokinetic / Pharmacodynamic Optimization of ADC Therapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Federal National Cancer Institute 01-Jan-23 31-Jan-28 2,500,629.00
Balthasar, Dr. Joseph
Improving antibody distribution with transient antigen binding inhibition
Nonfederal Empire Discovery Institute 08-Dec-22 30-Jun-25 180,000.00
Balu-Iyer, Dr. Sathy V.
Lipid mediated oral tolerance
Federal National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease 16-Jun-22 31-May-27 2,327,530.00
Balu-Iyer, Dr. Sathy V.
Development of tolerogenic Factor VIII as immunotherapy to prevent inhibitor development in Hemophilia A
Federal National Heart Lung and Blood Institute 27-Mar-23 28-Feb-26 1,121,169.00
Bednarczyk, Dr. Edward M. Overdose Data to Action State (OD2A)2024-2025 Federal Flow Through Health Research Inc 01-Sep-24 31-Aug-25 115,000.00
Bednarczyk, Dr. Edward M.
C19: Chronic Disease Medication Utilization and the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Infection
Nonfederal American College of Clinical Pharmacy 01-Jan-21 31-Dec-25 600.00
Bies, Dr. Robert R.
Evaluation of safety and pharmacokinetics of naltrexone implant Federal Flow Through Research Foundation of Mental Hygiene 01-Mar-21 31-May-25 217,842.00
Bies, Dr. Robert R. The Indiana University-Ohio State University Maternal and Pediatric Precision in Therapeutics Data, Model, Knowledge, and Research Coordination Center (IU-OSU MPRINT DMKRCC) Federal Flow Through Trustees of Indiana University 10-Sep-21 31-Jul-26 1,865,877.00
Bies, Dr. Robert R. Microbicide R&D to Advance HIV Prevention Technologies through Responsive Innovation and eXcellence, MATRIX Federal Flow Through Magee-Womens Research Institute and Foundation 01-Dec-21 31-Dec-26 1,413,208.00
Bies, Dr. Robert R
Reproductive Tract PBPK & Exposure Modeling
Nonfederal Magee-Womens Research Institute and Foundation
07-Nov-22 31-Mar-25 189,280.00
Chen, Dr. Liang SBIR: Development of a Rapid Phenotypic Pyrazinamide Susceptibility Testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Using Well-Standardized Protocol
Federal Flow Through PZA Innovation Limited Liability Company
02-Jan-24 31-Dec-25 350,000.00
Cieri-Hutcherson, Dr. Nicole E Motivators and barriers to precepting introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experiential rotations Nonfederal American College of Clinical Pharmacy 15-Jun-24 14-Jun-25 1,000.00
Daly, Dr. Christopher Addressing Vaccine Confidence and Uptake in Urban New York Community Pharmacies Nonfederal Merck Sharp and Dohme Limited Liability Corporation 21-Feb-25 30-Sep-26 1,501.00
Das, Dr. Bhaskar Targeting of Mitochondrial Lon Protease as a Novel Therapy for Glioblastoma Federal Flow Through University of California at Irvine 01-Jun-24 31-May-25 251,290.00
Das, Dr. Bhaskar Blocking Pathologic Crosstalk Between Podocytes and Endothelial Cells in FSGS Federal US Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity 01-Dec-24 30-Apr-28 1,232,000.00
Das, Dr. Bhaskar KLF2 is a novel endoprotective target for DKD Federal Flow Through Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 20-Sep-24 31-May-29 1,001,000.00
Das, Dr. Bhaskar Hippo-YAP in podocyte health and disease Federal Flow Through Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 01-Aug-24 31-May-29 377,958.00
Das, Dr. Bhaskar PP2A as a drug target for diabetic kidney disease Federal Flow Through Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 01-Jul-24 30-Apr-25 47,999.00
Das, Dr. Sasmita Assessment of a recently developed boron-based HIF inhibitor as a prospective therapy for renal cell carcinoma (RCC) Federal Flow Through Curators of the University of Missouri 07-Aug-24 31-Jul-26 80,000.00
Gallo, Dr. James Cell State Network-Directed Therapy Federal Flow Through Clemson University 20-Sep-24 31-Aug-29 1,212,836.00
Gallo, Dr. James Targeting trained immunity in transplantation - Core B
Federal Flow Through Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
01-Jun-23 31-Mar-28 230,216.00
Jacobs, Dr. David Matthew Integrative Informatics Approach to Predict Readmissions and Improve Outcomes in COPD Federal National Heart Lung and Blood Institute 01-Apr-21 31-Mar-26 962,055.00
Jusko, Dr. William J. Mechanistic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Federal National Institute of General Medical Sciences 01-May-19 30-Apr-25 2,891,677.00
Jusko, Dr. William J. Training Program in Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Nonfederal GlaxoSmithKline 03-Feb-21 20-Aug-25 512,400.00
Lao, Dr. Yeh-Hsing Sima
Nanoformulated CRISPR Ribonucleoproteins for Ultrasound-Facilitated Brain Gene Editing
Federal National Inst of Neurological Disorders & Stroke
01-Jul-23 30-Jun-25 442,000.00
Ma, Dr. Qing
Doravirine Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Pharmacokinetics in HIV-Infected Individuals
Nonfederal Merck Sharp and Dohme Limited Liability Corporation 04-Jun-19 30-May-25 242,646.38
Ma, Dr. Qing Aging, Polypharmacy and Neurotoxicity in Adults Living with HIV Federal National Institute on Aging 01-May-20 28-Feb-26 4,006,139.00
Ma, Dr. Qing An Open-label Study Evaluating Pharmacokinetics, Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of CABENUVA IM Administered Monthly and Every 2 months in Virologically Suppressed HIV-Infected Adults having Severe Renal Impairment With or Without Hemodi Nonfederal Alleghany Singer Research Institute 28-Feb-24 30-Sep-26 18,685.00
Mager, Dr. Donald E. Novel Synthetic Lethality Strategy for TP53 Mutant Colorectal Cancer Federal Flow Through Health Research Inc. 10-Aug-23 31-Jul-25 63,555.00
Mager, Dr. Donald E. Optimizing GVHD Prevention with Systems Pharmacology Models Federal Flow Through Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope 01-Jun-19 31-May-25 646,324.00
Morse, Dr. Gene Advancing Clinical Therapeutics Globally for HIV/AIDS and Other Infections [ACTG LOC_ SP CR: PPMD ] Federal Flow Through Regents of the University of California Los Angeles 01-Dec-20 30-Nov-25 774,564.00
Morse, Dr. Gene University of Rochester HIV/AIDS Clinical Trial Unit - AWD00003932
Federal Flow Through University of Rochester 01-Dec-20 30-Nov-27 187,935.00
Morse, Dr. Gene
HIV Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics Research Training Program
Federal Fogarty International Center 01-Mar-22 31-Jan-27 1,507,744.94
Morse, Dr. Gene
Clinical Pharmacology Quality Assurance (CPQA)
Federal National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease
30-May-22 29-May-29 14,561,135.00
Morse, Dr. Gene
Nonfederal Abbott Laboratories
23-Nov-22 31-Jul-25 174,900.00
Morse, Dr. Gene
Global Infectious Diseases Research Training Program
Federal Fogarty International Center 01-Mar-23 31-Dec-27 1,833,196.00
Prescott, Dr. Gina
Affordable Care Act: Public Health Training Centers Program Federal Flow Through D'Youville University 01-Jun-2023 14-Sep-25 150,000.00
Qu, Dr. Jun
Robust Mass Spectrometric Protein/Peptide Assays for Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Applications
Federal Pacific Northwest Laboratory 12-Mar-24 30-Jun-27 625,391.72
Qu, Dr. Jun
UB CAT: Assessing an Alzheimer's Peptide Vaccine Nonfederal POP Biotechnologies Incorporated 01-Jul-24 30-Jun-25 40,034.96
Qu, Dr. Jun
Identifying Chemo-Neoepitopes for the Chemo-Immunotherapy Against Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Federal Flow Through Health Research Inc 01-Jun-24 31-May-25 15,902.00
Qu, Dr. Jun Quantitation of CLDN in tissues Nonfederal Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceutical 07-Aug-24 06-Aug-26 300,000.00
Qu, Dr. Jun Regulation of and Target Recognition by Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1) Federal Flow Through Utah State University 01-Sep-24 30-Apr-26 32,226.00
Qu, Dr. Jun
Membrane protein analysis and MASP tissue mapping Nonfederal Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceutical 07-Aug-2024 06-Aug-26 300,000.00
Qu, Dr. Jun Extracellular Vesicle treatment and age-related neuropathology in non-human primates Federal Flow Through Trustees of Boston University 15-Sep-20 30-Apr-25 188,473.00
Qu, Dr. Jun Role of Type 2 Immune Response in Pancreatic Cancer Tumorgenisis Federal Flow Through Health Research Inc 15-Jul-21 30-Jun-25 39,175.00
Qu, Dr. Jun Dissecting the Mechanism of SETDB1 and its K867 Monoubiquitination in Lung Cancer Progression Federal Flow Through Health Research Inc. 05-Aug-22 31-Jul-25 22,080.00
Qu, Dr. Jun
Mitochondrial Defects in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium and the CFH Risk Allele for Age-related Macular Degeneration
Federal Flow Through Doheny Eye Institute
30-Sep-22 30-Jun-26 254,607.00
Qu, Dr. Jun
Deciphering the Mechanisms Associated with High-risk AMD genotypes for ARMS2/HTRA1 and Complement Factor H
Federal Flow Through Doheny Eye Institute
30-Sep-22 31-Aug-25 191,140.00
Qu, Dr. Jun
Mechanisms underlying extracellular vesicle mediated changes in inflammation, neural circuitry and plasticity following cortical injury in aged monkeys
Federal Flow Through Trustees of Boston University 15-Jul-22 30-Jun-27 283,312.00
Ramanathan, Dr. Murali Characterization of PK-PD and Model-Informed Drug Development Nonfederal Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 14-Oct-24 31-Oct-25 273,304.00
Ramanathan, Dr. Murali The Metabolomics-Neurofilaments-Neurodegeneration Nexus in Multiple Sclerosis Progression Federal US Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity 01-Jul-20 30-Jun-25 957,000.00
Shah, Dr. Dhavalkumar
Training program in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics for a visiting scientist from Japan Tobacco, Inc. Nonfederal Japan Tobacco Incorporated 26-Aug-24 25-Aug-25 80,500.00
Shah, Dr. Dhavalkumar
Development of organ-specific quantitative systems toxicology models for antibody-drug conjugates
Nonfederal AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
01-Apr-22 09-Oct-25 465,771.00
Shah, Dr. Dhavalkumar
Polyesters with controlled topologies for probing transcytosis at the gut-blood barrier
Federal Flow Through University of Alabama 15-Sep-23 30-Jun-27 304,032.00
Smith, Dr. Nicholas M Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Mechanistically Aware Phage Cocktails Federal National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease 01-Jul-24 31-Jul-29 3,647,260.00
Sprowl, Dr. Jason Arthur Regulation of hepatic uptake transporters by tyrosine kinases Federal National Institute of General Medical Sciences 15-Sep-21 31-Aug-26 2,321,588.00
Sprowl, Dr. Jason Arthur
Role of MCT6 in mediating cisplatin-induced ototoxicity
Federal National Inst on Deafness & Other Comm Disorders
01-Apr-23 31-Mar-26 432,182.00
Sprowl, Dr. Jason Arthur
CAREER: Tyrosine Phosphorylation and Kinase Activity as a Regulator of Sodium-Glucose Transporters
Federal National Science Foundation 01-Mar-24 28-Feb-29 746,886.00
Straubinger, Dr. Robert M. Fellowship for Jonathan Perri: Nanoparticle-Based Approaches to Generate Integrated Immune Responses in Immune Deficient Solid Tumors Nonfederal American Foundation Pharmaceutical Education 01-Sep-24 31-Aug-25 10,000.00
Tornatore, Dr. Kathleen M. Age and Race Influences on Immunosuppression after Renal Transplant Federal National Institute on Aging 15-Aug-18 30-Jun-25 3,507,814.00
Tsuji, Dr. Brian T. Novel Strategies for Antibiotic Combinations to Combat Gram-negative Superbugs Federal National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease 20-Dec-19 30-Nov-25 3,920,362.00
Tsuji, Dr. Brian T. Exploitation of multiple heteroresistance for effective antibiotic combination therapy Federal Flow Through Emory University 01-Jul-20 30-Jul-25 405,663.00
Tsuji, Dr. Brian T.
Novel Combination Therapies to Combat Hypermutable Carbapenem-Resistant P. aeruginosa
Federal National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease 24-May-22 30-Apr-27 3,850,992.00
Woo, Dr. Sukyung Targeting ovarian cancer spheroid formation and metabolic adaptation by APJ inhibition Federal National Cancer Institute 01-Dec-21 30-Nov-26 1,949,214.00
Woo, Dr. Sukyung
Discovery of the next-generation RET-targeted drugs based on nicotinamide scaffold
Federal Flow Through Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma 01-Jul-22 30-Jun-27 408,175.00
Woo, Dr. Sukyung
Route 66 Endometrial Cancer SPORE
Federal Flow Through Washington University 23-Aug-23 31-Jul-28 235,301.00
You, Dr. Young Jae
Singlet Oxygen-cleavable Prodrugs for Treating Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancers
Federal National Cancer Institute 13-Jul-22 30-Jun-27 2,080,525.00
You, Dr. Young Jae
Site Specific Drug Delivery with Light-responsive Conjugates for Photo-biomodulation
Federal National Institute of General Medical Sciences 01-Aug-23 31-Jul-27 1,372,031.00
Zhao, Dr. Yanan Novel Biamyxins targeting multidrug resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections Federal National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease 02-Jul-24 30-Jun-29 3,898,070.00
Zhao, Dr. Yanan In vivo evaluation of novel anti-fungal compounds Nonfederal Kathera Bioscience Incorporated 13-Dec-24 15-Mar-25 15,000.00