Why should I consider applying to the UB School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences? What makes the University at Buffalo unique?
At the University at Buffalo, we blend the intricacies of pharmacy practice with the rigors of the pharmaceutical sciences, creating some of the best trained health care leaders in the country. We are ranked No. 1 in New York State and No. 19 in the United States by U.S. News & World Report. Here is How We Create Great Health Care Leaders.
What is the difference between pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical sciences?
The doctor of pharmacy degree (PharmD) is a professional degree that enables one to work as a pharmacist, interacting with patients and other health care practitioners about medications. It is not an undergraduate degree (such as a BS or BA) nor is it a graduate degree (such as an MS, MBA, or PhD). The PharmD is a professional degree for pharmacists similar to the doctor of medicine (MD) for physicians or a doctor of dental surgery (DDS) for dentists.
A degree in pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacometrics or related discipline does not prepare or permit students to practice pharmacy, but enables one to do drug development and research for the pharmaceutical industry.
Where do most of your graduates practice?
PharmD graduates find positions in a variety of professional practice sites including community pharmacy, institutional pharmacy, long-term pharmacy, consultant pharmacy, the government and academia across the country. The majority of our graduates practice in the community/ambulatory care setting with very attractive salaries in virtually any state of the country.
BS students usually pursue graduate studies. Graduates with an MS or PhD degree in pharmaceutical sciences can become pharmacogeneticists, bioanalysts, clinical researchers, educators, and more. Most graduates work in industry. Others work in government and academia. See employment settings.
How do PharmD graduates perform on the NAPLEX (the national licensing exam)?
Our students benefit from being able to take the NAPLEX exam and Pharmacy Law Review Series at a convenient and comfortable location: right at the University at Buffalo! Review our impressive pass rates.
What kind of organizations and associations are your students involved in?
Our students are active in many organizations and are encouraged to present at professional seminars, symposia, and special events. See Student Organizations.
How long will it take to complete the program? Do you offer accelerated programs? Do you have on-line/distance learning, summer, evening, weekend or part-time classes?
The PharmD program requires four full-time years of professional study, regardless of your educational background or experiences. Courses are scheduled during the day and are available only on-campus during the fall and spring semesters. Students must adhere to a set “block schedule,” which is assigned each semester. Several Dual and collaborative degree programs are also available.
In pharmaceutical sciences, the BS program is four full-time years of undergraduate study and the MS program is typically two full-time years of graduate study during the fall and spring semesters. The MS in Pharmacometrics and Personalized Pharmacotherapy is 1.5 years, the MS in Clinical & Translational Research is 1 year. The PhD program is four to six years. We also offer an accelerated BS/MS program, which is a total of five years.
What are the tuition and fees?
- Undergraduate, Graduate, and PharmD costs are listed on the Financial Aid website.
- Early Assurance students are considered undergraduates in their first two years at UB.
- After the first year, out-of-state students may obtain residency and qualify for in-state tuition. Read more about NYS Residency Requirements for Tuition Purposes.
- PhD enrollees receive stipend support with tuition waiver. Additional amounts may be received through individual assistantships and scholarships.
Do you offer financial aid or scholarships?
Yes. Begin your search with UB's Financial Aid office. Students will be considered for scholarships through the admissions process. To be considered for financial aid, please complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at the appropriate time. Students are advised to include parental income on the FAFSA. Also see Student Scholarships.
What is the cost of living in Buffalo?
In Buffalo, the cost of living is low and the standard of living is high. The cost of living makes the Buffalo metropolitan area among the most affordable in the U.S. with housing costs at 15% less than the national average. For more information on the Buffalo Niagara region, see Visit Us.
What is "Early Assurance?"
Incoming freshmen entering UB directly from high school who indicate pharmacy as their major are given a heightened advantage of securing a seat in our four-year PharmD degree after completing two years of prescribed undergraduate course work and an interview. Review a comprehensive overview of our Early Assurance Program.
What SAT or ACT scores do you require?
SAT and ACT scores are evaluated by the University at Buffalo's Office of Undergraduate Admissions. There are no additional high school GPA or SAT/ACT requirements for Early Assurance students. Please visit Undergraduate Admissions (or International Admissions, when applicable), or call 716-645-6900 for the most current information regarding acceptable SAT and ACT scores. Note that SAT and ACT scores are generally only required of students entering as freshmen. Students who have enrolled in college previously and are entering with a minimum of 24 college credits may not have to supply SAT or ACT scores.
Do Early Assurance students need letters of recommendation?
No. Only PharmCAS and graduate applicants need letters of recommendation.
Do Early Assurance students need to interview?
Yes. The admissions interview is a required component of the application process for all PharmD candidates. Early Assurance Program students are invited for an interview which takes place in their second semester at UB. In preparation for the interview, the professional program and career positioning, candidates are strongly advised to pursue additional extracurricular activities. Pharmacy-specific exposure is suggested, though not required. See Early Assurance Admission Requirements.
What high school courses should I take to prepare for pharmacy school?
Students should take biology, chemistry and math courses as well as AP, IB or college-level courses. Note that these are merely suggestions for optimal preparation and do not reflect minimum entrance requirements.
Is it harder to gain admission to UB if I indicate pharmacy as my intended major? Would it be better to list another major, or undecided, instead?
No. In fact, if you would like to be considered for the Early Assurance option, you must specify pharmacy as your major on your application to the University at Buffalo or before December 31 in your first semester freshman year at UB. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions at the University at Buffalo does not use different or special criteria when evaluating intended pharmacy students for admission into the University.
I received a grade of 'C' in one of my prerequisite courses. Should I retake it to improve my EA GPA?
If a grade of 'C' or higher is earned in any course, repeating is not recommended. The repeated grade does not replace the previous grade for pre-pharmacy students applying to the PharmD program at UB. Repeat grades will not be used in computing the Early Assurance GPA. Students should be aware of the Repeat Policy which restricts repeating certain courses.
What if I get a C- in a course?
To remain in the Early Assurance Program, students must complete all enrolled courses with a grade equal to or greater than C. Exceptions may be considered and are made on a case-by-case basis by the SPPS Admissions Committee. Students are encouraged to meet with their advisor and the professor and use Tutoring and Academic Support Services.
What if I don’t earn a 3.0 GPA after my freshman fall year?
We understand the first semester of college is a time of transition. We will start reviewing your GPA freshman spring semester. We will, however, review your first semester grades to make sure you earn at least a 'C' in all enrolled courses. Exceptions may be considered and are made on a case-by-case basis.
I know I cannot resign a course, but does that mean I cannot drop a course?
You are able to make changes to your schedule at any time during the drop/add period without any penalty. This period extends through the seventh day of classes for the semester. Refer to the Office of the Registrar for exact dates.
When can I withdraw from a course?
Students who may need to withdraw due to extenuating documented circumstances that impact their academic performance (such as medical problems, death or illness of an immediate family member or military orders) should talk with an academic advisor as soon as possible. Refer to the Undergraduate Advising resources for more information. Withdrawing from a semester does not disqualify you from EA consideration.
How many PharmD applicants are accepted each year?
We receive approximately 300 applications and we admit around 125 students each fall.
Do you have a certain limit to the number of PharmCAS students you admit?
No. We do not differentiate between non-UB and currently enrolled UB students when making admission decisions into the PharmD program. Accepted students may be offered a scholarship to help offset the cost of out-of-state tuition.
Do you have a preference for certain students (New York State versus out-of-state; UB versus transfer, etc.)?
No. All applicants are considered equally. UB does not have a policy that limits or favors out-of-state or in-state students. We seek well-rounded students who are motivated to provide the highest levels of patient and pharmaceutical care.
I am a non-UB student who still needs to finish the prerequisite courses, how do I apply?
Students who choose to attend UB to complete the prerequisite courses must submit the SUNY undergraduate application and indicate pharmacy as their intended major. Students taking coursework elsewhere should refer to UB’s Course Equivalency Guide (CEG) or compare course descriptions using our undergraduate catalog. If attending a SUNY or CUNY school, visit our advising guides for detailed information on courses.
I am a non-UB student who has completed all of the prerequisite courses, how do I apply?
All students are expected to meet the same criteria for admission. Students may apply to the PharmD program using the online PharmCAS application.
I am currently enrolled in a professional pharmacy program at another school. Can I transfer into your program?
We will consider transfer of credits in good standing from another college/pharmacy school into the professional program on a case-by-case basis. No more than the equivalent of one year of didactic credit shall be given to any student applying for advanced standing from any institution other than an ACPE accredited college/school of pharmacy. Candidates must be in good standing (e.g., not dismissed from their current pharmacy school for academic, non-academic, and/or academic integrity violations).
When can I apply and what is the application deadline for the PharmD program?
The current deadline is June 1 of each year for fall entrance into the professional program. Applicants are advised to apply well in advance of this deadline. For undergraduate/pre-pharmacy admissions information, visit Undergraduate Admissions or International Admissions.
What are the criteria for admission?
In order to be considered for admission to the PharmD program, applicants must submit a PharmCAS application and complete the prerequisite courses. There is no minimum GPA to be considered. In addition, the Admissions Committee looks at scholastic preparation, pharmacy experiences, academic recognition or honors, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, oral and written communication and any additional information provided by the applicant.
Should I still apply if my grade point average is relatively low?
Yes. Admission is competitive and our evaluation is based on all aspects of the application. This includes math and science grades, curriculum, recommendations, essays, and interview results. Competition also varies from year to year depending upon the size and strength of the applicant pool. Applicants should consider all of these factors and should not base their decision to apply solely on their GPA. Learn more here.
Do I need to have all my prerequisites completed before I apply?
No. However, all prerequisite courses must be completed before entering the PharmD program. Make sure to indicate courses planned or in progress in PharmCAS.
How do you calculate repeated courses?
PharmCAS averages all courses together, including repeated ones. The repeated grade does not replace the previous grade.
Can I resign or withdraw from a course if it is not a prerequisite?
The result of this action is that an 'R' or 'W' remains on your transcript. Generally, it is not advisable to resign or withdraw from a course unless you are at risk of failing the course or if it is jeopardizing successful completion of required courses. Students in jeopardy of failing the course should consider taking it pass/fail - if it is an option. Students must contact their instructor and academic advisor. Note to Early Assurance Program students: Do not resign from any enrolled course.
Does it matter at which school I take my pre-pharmacy coursework?
Courses may be taken at UB or at any other accredited institution of higher education. For help with course articulation, refer to UB's Course Equivalency Guide (CEG). You can also compare course descriptions using our undergraduate catalog.
Do you accept Advanced Placement (AP) credit for prerequisites?
Yes. Please review the Advanced Placement (AP) credit website for articulation requirements.
Do you give preference to any major?
No. We do not give preference to any major. The most common majors are in the sciences, but UB SPPS does not have a policy that limits or favors science or arts majors. However, Early Assurance students must be in the pharmacy major.
Do I need volunteer activities, extracurricular activities or work experience to be considered for admission?
Experience is not required; however, it is expected. Consider volunteering or shadowing at a pharmacy, hospital, nursing home, medical office, or other related health care facility or organization. Understand how professionals interact with patients and their colleagues, assess your dedication to the field, and gain valuable interpersonal and leadership skills. Consider becoming a member or leader of a club or organization. UB students can engage in research - see Undergraduate Research.
Do I need to submit everything to PharmCAS at the same time?
No. Students can submit the PharmCAS at any time and all materials must be received by before June 1.
Can my evaluators submit letters of recommendation before I apply to the PharmD program?
No. In addition to a letter, evaluators must also submit a character rating sheet, which will be emailed to them by PharmCAS. Please have evaluators refer to Evaluations so they can prepare a complete evaluation in advance.
I completed some of my prerequisite coursework more than 5 years ago. Will they still be considered?
All prerequisite courses must be completed by the end of the summer and prior to fall matriculation within 5 years preceding admission. See Five-Year Policy.
Can I enter in the spring semester?
Admission into the professional school is for fall only. Students may enter UB to complete undergraduate coursework through Undergraduate Admissions.
Do you have a supplemental application?
No, we do not require a supplemental application or fee.
Are interviews required?
Yes. Interviews are mandatory for PharmD candidates. However, not all applicants will be invited for an interview. Candidates who are selected for an interview will be invited via email.
Who will interview me?
Interviewers include SPPS faculty, staff, and alumni. Candidates are randomly assigned to interviewers.
What shall I expect for the interview?
See Interview Information.
How should I dress for the interview?
Professional attire is expected.
Do I have to have my transcript evaluated?
For the PharmD program, students must provide a WES or WESiCAP, except for Canadian transcripts in English. For the Pharmaceutical Sciences programs, students do not need to supply an evaluated transcript; however, we will accept it if you have it.
Do I need to take an English proficiency test?
All international students must satisfy the English Language Proficiency Requirements. Exemptions are provided on that webpage.
How long are my English proficiency scores good for?
Two years.
Where do I send my English language proficiency test scores?
English language proficiency scores must be uploaded electronically. We will not accept paper copies.
PharmD applicants: Send official TOEFL score report to PharmCAS (code 8246). If not TOEFL (i.e., IELTS or Duolingo), send electronically to University at Buffalo, The State University of New York – Graduate and Professional Studies.
Pharmaceutical Sciences applicants: Students must upload an unofficial copy to their application. If admitted, we require an official score report sent electronically to University at Buffalo, The State University of New York – Graduate and Professional Studies.
When will I get my I-20?
UB is issuing electronic I-20s in accordance with SEVP Guidance. Students should print and sign the I-20 when they receive it, since not all agencies will allow students to show an electronic I-20 on their phone or computer.
Do I have to supply financial documents and bank statements?
If accepted, all PharmD, MS, and BS/MS students must complete the financial form documenting all sources of financial support with the sponsor's signature. Upload an original bank statement and English translation for the minimum required for the first year of study. See Estimated International Student Costs. This is required only if admitted. PhD students do not need to supply this since they are fully-funded by the department.
See Life In Buffalo for information on: Housing, Banking, UB Transportation, Driving in New York State, Health Insurance, International Student Fee, Steven L. Shaw Memorial International Student Emergency Fund, Safety, Scams, International Student Clubs, and Useful Links.
FAQ's for Accepted Canadian Students:
How do I apply to the Pharmaceutical Sciences undergraduate BS program/major?
New students entering UB as first-year/freshmen directly from high school are automatically admitted to the major. Transfer students to UB are automatically admitted to the major if they meet the minimum GPA requirements. Current UB students in other programs submit an application. See Undergraduate Program.
Is Pharmaceutical Sciences a STEM program?
Yes, our Pharmaceutical Sciences programs are considered STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) degree programs.
What are the prerequisite courses?
To be eligible for promotion to the junior-level pharmaceutical sciences major courses, students must satisfactorily complete the required courses for the first two years of the program.
How many students are in the Pharmaceutical Sciences undergraduate program?
Typically, around 20 students enter the upper-level courses each year.
Do I need a BS in pharmaceutical sciences to get into the professional pharmacy program (PharmD)?
No. Students interested in the professional PharmD program are not required to have a degree in pharmaceutical sciences. The pharmaceutical sciences undergraduate program is independent of the PharmD program.
What scholarship opportunities are available?
- The Jones Award Scholarship is given every year to an outstanding senior.
- Students are encouraged to work with faculty mentors to apply for nationally advertised research scholarships.
- Each year, the department holds a research poster competition, where the two best posters are recognized.
- Students may work on a research project during the summer.
- See Financial Aid and Scholarships for more opportunities.
What courses are required for graduation?
Course descriptions and requirements are available through UB's Undergraduate Catalog.
I heard that you have to do a research project in order to graduate. How does that work?
Yes, all students are required to take PHC 498 - a 3 credit undergraduate research participation project with a faculty mentor. Students are exposed to research methods and hypothesis testing; the role of research methods in experimental design, execution and data analysis; and methods to communicate the research findings. Students with scientific research experience are highly sought after by prospective employers.
What are the application deadlines?
MS and PhD applications open July 1 and are reviewed on a rolling basis until all seats are filled. Early application is encouraged. International applicants should apply by February 15 to ensure timely processing of an I-20.
What is the Application Fee Waiver Policy?
Participants in the following programs only will be approved for a fee waiver once there is confirmation of your participation. Participants in the following programs must submit verification of program participation, such as a letter bearing the original signature of the program director or adviser, or a copy of the current contract. You can submit verification to pharm-admit@buffalo.edu.
We cannot grant fee waivers for any other reasons, including for international applicants.
Do you have STEM degree programs?
Yes, our graduate programs are considered STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) degree programs.
When are faculty advisor/research mentors assigned?
Students do not need to identify a faculty advisor/research mentor during the application process but may learn more about faculty here. Students are assigned faculty research mentors after enrollment.
How many students are accepted into the graduate programs?
SPPS receives approximately 200 applications for the MS programs and about 300 applications for the PhD program. Around 20% and 6% are accepted, respectively. Learn more about PhD metrics.
Can we study part-time?
Part-time is a possibility. Full-time registration is satisfied by ≥ 12 credit hours per semester if you are not supported by an assistantship, and ≥ 9 credit hours/semester if you are supported by an assistantship. Registration for less than these credit hours is permitted after the student has completed his/her Departmental Preliminary Examination. Departmental policy requires that PhD students must remain full-time until the dissertation has been submitted to the Dissertation Committee. You should also be aware that different student-loan programs, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, health insurance carriers, etc. can impose different rules for full-time student registration.
Do you require a minimum GPA and GRE?
For our graduate programs, students must have around a 3.0 GPA. GRE is not required.
How do I know if my graduate application is complete and under review?
An application is complete when (1) submitted, (2) the application fee is paid, (3) required supporting documents are uploaded to the applicant portal. Check your application status. If you would like to send reminders or make edits to your recommenders, you can do so in your portal. If a recommender's email address is incorrect, email us to correct this.
Can I apply to two different degree programs - the PhD and the MS - at the same time?
You may apply to only one degree at a time within the same department. Occasionally, students may apply to the PhD program and be offered a seat in our MS program.
Can I make changes to my graduate application?
You cannot make changes to your application after submitting for formal review. However, you may continue to upload documents. Please email pharm-admit@buffalo.edu if you have any changes to your application.
Do you have a preference for certain students (New York State versus out-of-state; UB versus transfer, etc.)?
No, all applicants are considered equally. There is no residency requirement for admission. UB SPPS does not have a policy that limits or favors out-of-state or in-state students.
Is a thesis/dissertation required for MS students?
No. However, students must conduct, publicly present and defend a research project.
Can students in the MS program in Pharmaceutical Sciences apply to transfer into the PhD program in Pharmaceutical Sciences?
Yes, but such applications are generally not considered until after completion of one full year of study in the MS program. Students who have performed well in this first year are eligible to apply for a transfer, and to compete for stipend support from the Department. MS students who are planning to apply for such a transfer should take all the required courses in the PhD curriculum when they are available, since some courses are only offered once every other year.
Can I take courses in the Pharmaceutical Sciences department without applying to the graduate programs (as a non-matriculating student)?
Yes. Email us describing your intent to register for a course as a non-matriculating student. Your application will be reviewed and processed by the Department and by the Graduate School.
What is the difference between the MS program in Pharmacometrics and Personalized Pharmacotherapy and the MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences?
The MS program in Pharmacometrics is a specialized program requiring little or no laboratory research work, but more intensive computational training and experience. Students in Pharmacometrics do not generally carry out laboratory (bench) research. To be successful, students in the Pharmacometrics program must have a special aptitude toward numerical and computational analysis.
Why was I denied?
Every year, qualified students are denied simply because there aren't enough available spaces. We have limited seats available and have to choose the "best of the best." We cannot provide specific reasons why each applicant was denied.
How long is the program?
The online programs are considered part-time and are 5 semesters long. The online programs start in the fall and end in spring of the following academic year. The standard format of the online programs are 6 credit hours per semester, resulting in a total of 30 credit hours.
What is the cost of the program?
Review the tuition and fees for UB's online academic programs. Select the semester and view the per credit rates.
How does the Online Program differ from the On-Campus program regarding classes?
Programmatic outcomes of the online and on-campus programs are the same. The online programs hold classes in an asynchronous fashion to allow individuals to maintain their jobs and family life, however course requirements, and outcomes remain equal.
Asynchronous learning is a teaching method that allows students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule within a set time frame. There are required due dates for assessments, however, lectures are not live and are pre-recorded to alleviate time issues.
Does the online program have a different schedule than the on-campus program?
The online program follows the university academic calendar, however, spring/fall breaks may not be observed. All holidays as listed on the university website are observed.
What is the job outlook with an online program vs and on-campus program?
We do not differentiate our programs of online vs on-campus. The job-outlook is the same as the on-campus program, as the online and on-campus programs are equal in outcomes.
Have another question that is not answered here?