Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE)

The APPE sequence takes place during your fourth (P4) year. You will provide advanced clinical pharmacy services in various health care environments to build on your previous academic experience.

Program Overview Requirements EPA and Educational Outcomes Rotation Types

Rotation Types

PHM 843: Ambulatory Patient Care (6 weeks - 240 hours): An outpatient clinical rotation that provides the student with direct patient care activities. The student is also expected to actively participate as part of an interprofessional team. Depending on the actual site there may also be dispensing activities going on concurrently, however, the main objective of this type of rotation is to provide medication therapy management and education for patients’ chronic diseases.

PHM 844: Community Pharmacy (6 weeks - 240 hours): A community rotation provides the student with direct drug distribution and counseling activities. There may also be clinical activities going on concurrently, however, the main objective of this type of rotation is to dispense medications in a safe and timely manner following all legal and regulatory requirements of the site/state. Practice management will also be emphasized.

PHM 845: Hospital/Health-System Pharmacy (4 weeks - 160 hours): The purpose of this rotation is for the student to understand how the right medication gets to the right patient at the right time. This usually includes exposure to the drug distribution system, IV admixture preparation, controlled substance management, inventory control, among others. The focus is on system-management and continuous quality improvement. 

PHM 846: Inpatient Adult Patient Care (6 weeks - 240 hours): A rotation that provides the student with direct patient care experience in the inpatient setting. The student will manage a diverse patient population with a variety of common conditions seen in adult care patients. The student will also actively contribute as a member of the interprofessional healthcare team.

PHM 847: Elective, Direct Patient Care (6 weeks – 240 hours)

PHM 848: Elective, Direct or Non-Direct Patient Care (6 weeks – 240 hours)

PHM 849: Elective, Direct or Non-Direct Patient Care (6 weeks – 240 hours)

Electives: Elective APPEs are meant to allow students to explore areas of potential practice interest. This may include practice, research, or other areas of interest for pharmacy students. An elective may include a repeat of the required rotations listed above (PHM 843 to PHM846).