Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE)

The APPE sequence takes place during your fourth (P4) year. You will provide advanced clinical pharmacy services in various health care environments to build on your previous academic experience.

Program Overview Requirements EPA and Educational Outcomes Rotation Types


Students are required to complete seven (7) rotations totaling a minimum of 1,600 hours.

At least two must be core inpatient rotations (one general medicine and another in health systems pharmacy) and two must be core outpatient rotations (one community rotation and one ambulatory clinical rotation), along with a minimum of three elective experiences or additional core rotations. The core rotations are required to be a minimum of 160 hours.

Required APPE Courses

  • PHM 843: Ambulatory Patient Care APPE (6 weeks)
  • PHM 844: Community Pharmacy APPE (6 weeks)
  • PHM 845: Hospital Health-System Pharmacy APPE (4 weeks)
  • PHM 846: Inpatient General Medicine Patient Care APPE (6 weeks)
  • PHM 847: Elective 1, Direct Patient Care APPE (6 weeks)
  • PHM 848: Elective 2, Direct or Non-Direct Patient Care APPE (6 weeks)
  • PHM 849: Elective 3, Direct or Non-Direct Patient Care APPE (6 weeks)