MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Our MS program is for students who have previously earned a BS degree and wish to acquire high-impact positions in research, industry, education and health care settings. The MS program is research-focused, immersing our students in diverse aspects of drug action, from drug discovery to various elements of drug evaluation.

Program Requirements

  • Required Courses: Must be completed with a grade of B- or higher, or a P (Pass) / S (Satisfactory). Courses that do not meet these standards will not count toward the degree and must be repeated.
  • Elective Courses: Require a minimum grade of D or higher.
  • Overall GPA: A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required across 30 credits.

Credit Hour Requirements Credit Hours
Minimum departmental didactic credit hours excluding research, laboratory courses, seminars and tutorials
Minimum credit hours from other departmental courses, laboratory courses and department electives
Minimum research, seminar and tutorial courses
Minimum total credit hours 30
Satisfactory completion of a research project, including approval of the Project Committee after submission of a written project report, presentation of an open seminar and oral defense  

Required Courses

Elective Courses