Accelerated BS/MS Program

The BS/MS is a five-year accelerated program for academically qualified students who enroll at UB as first-year/freshman students, or who are already enrolled in our BS degree program. Graduates of this program are highly sought after by pharmaceutical companies.

About the BS/MS Program

While the BS/MS is structurally a basic science program, it is also a unique interdisciplinary field. Areas of interest in pharmaceutical sciences include:

  • the physical chemistry of pharmaceutical systems
  • biopharmaceutics, which encompasses the study of the relationship between the nature and intensity of biologic effects of drugs and various dosage formulation factors
  • pharmacokinetics, which is the science of the quantitative analysis of drug concentration and drug effects in the body
  • clinical pharmacokinetics, which is concerned with the application of pharmacokinetics to the safe and effective therapeutic management of individual patients.

Program Requirements

All required courses must be completed with at least a B-, a P (Pass) or an S (Satisfactory). Otherwise, they will not count toward the degree and must be repeated. Elective courses must be a D or better. An overall average grade for 30 credits must be >= 3.0.

Program Requirements Credit Hours
Completion of requirements for BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences  
Minimum departmental didactic credit hours excluding research, laboratory courses, seminars and tutorials, PHC 510 and PHC 506.
Minimum credit hours from other departmental courses, laboratory courses and department electives
Minimum research, seminar and tutorial courses
Minimum total credit hours 30
Satisfactory completion of a research  project, including approval of the Project Committee after submission of a written project report, presentation of an open seminar and oral defense  

Required Courses

Undergraduate Curriculum

Undergraduate Curriculum
See Catalog: Pharmaceutical Sciences BS/MS  

First Semester Required Courses - Spring

BS/MS Semester Required Courses - Spring Credit Hours
PHC 425 Pharm Biotech: From Bench to Benchside (odd years only)
PHC 432 Methods of Scientific Communication
PHC 510 Pharmaceutical Analysis 3
PHC 616 Research
Submit the registration request after speaking to a faculty mentor. 
PHC 614 Pharmaceutics Seminar
Submit the registration request
PHC 506 Biometry in Phc Sci
Submit the registration request

Second Semester Required Courses - Fall

Semester Required Courses - Fall Credit Hours
Students will be registered for these fall courses and will have a graduate course advisement meeting with the Director of Graduate Studies.
PHC 613 Pharmaceutics Seminar
PHC 615 Pharmaceutical Sciences Research
Credit hours may be adjusted based on work. Consult with your advisor.

Elective Courses

Elective Options - Fall

Elective Options - Fall
Credit Hours
PHC 500 Basic Drug Development
PHC 512 Pharmacometric Software   1
PHC 517 Pharmacogenomics 2
PHC 538 Introduction to Biologics   2
PHC 607B Intermed Pharmacokinetics   3

Course offerings vary each year. Refer to the Class Schedules.

*Electives PHC 630 and PHC 508 are not recommended the first fall semester due to your rigorous courseload.

Elective Options - Spring

Elective Course Options - Spring Credit Hours
PHC 608: Advanced Pharmacokinetics   3
PHC 609: Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (odd years)
PHC 616 Research Varies