Pharmaceutical Sciences Micro-Credential Programs

Micro-credential programs provide you with specialized knowledge in research, teaching, and professional development beyond that provided by the core curriculum, preparing you for postgraduate training. 

Our Pharmaceutical Sciences Micro-Credential Programs

  • Pharmacogenomics and Transport
    Our Pharmacogenomics and Transport micro-credential is an online three-course series encompassing several aspects of pharmacogenomics from transport to current events incorporating cancer and nutrition. Each course consists of lectures and hands-on practice with clinical guidelines to lead you through developing personalized therapies. Finally, to obtain the digital badge, you will be asked to complete a cumulative pharmacogenomic question related to current issues related to pharmacogenomics.
  • Pharmacometrics Modeling
    Our Pharmacometrics Modeling micro-credential is an online three-course series covering what pharmacometrics entails. Each of these courses will provide you with an in-depth overview of Pharmacometrics encompassing methodology and application of models for disease and pharmacological measurement. Each course consists of lectures and hands-on practical with application-based software to guide you through pharma data and modeling problems. Finally, to obtain the micro-credential you will complete a cumulative modeling question related to current applications in Pharmacometrics.
  • Clinical and Translational Therapeutics
    Our Clinical and Translational Therapeutics micro-credential consists of a three-course series that covers the fundamentals of clinical and translational therapeutics. It offers a comprehensive overview of the basics and methodologies involved in translational therapeutics, with practical applications for generating project ideas spanning across pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences and various other scientific fields. Each course includes lectures and hands-on practice using application-based software to navigate pharmaceutical data and solve in-silico modeling problems. Finally, you will complete a protocol-driven research project, producing data-driven results through in-silico methods.
  • Pharmacometric Software Series
    This program provides the instructions necessary to understand selected software operations, examples of data sets and models used for analysis, and exercises and problems designed to demonstrate how to implement and execute the modeling tasks.