Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE)

The IPPE sequence takes place during your second (P2) and third (P3) years. It provides the opportunity to observe and practice a variety of professional activities in multiple settings, including hospital/health system and community pharmacy.

Program Overview Requirements EPA and Educational Outcomes


Students are required to complete a minimum of 315 IPPE hours before beginning fourth year (P4) rotations. A minimum of 75 IPPE hours of patient care must be completed in a hospital/health system rotation and 80 hours in a community setting. The remaining hours may be in a variety of pharmacy practice settings that expose students to patient care.

To qualify as an IPPE, the experience must involve students in common contemporary U.S. practice models, including interprofessional practice involving shared patient care decision-making, professional ethics and expected behaviors, and patient care activities. IPPEs are structured and sequenced to intentionally develop in students a clear understanding of what constitutes exemplary pharmacy practice in the U.S. prior to beginning the APPE curriculum.

Required IPPE Courses

  • PHM 683: Introduction to Pharmacy Practice Experience Program - Level 2 - Fall
  • PHM 684: Introduction to Pharmacy Practice Experience Program - Level 2 - Spring
  • PHM 783: Introduction to Pharmacy Practice Experience Program - Level 3 - Fall
  • PHM 784: Introduction to Pharmacy Practice Experience Program - Level 3 - Spring

While at an IPPE rotation site, students must abide by the rules, regulations and policies of the facility.  Students may not be financially compensated for activities performed during their rotations.  

All students must maintain updated immunization records as well as liability insurance as outlined by the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences to engage in IPPE rotation sites experiences.