The facility serves a variety of research projects involving protein structure, drug-protein interactions, biological membrane structure and function, and pharmaceutical formulation.
The facility is available to the campus and local research community on a recharge basis. Both an instrument operator and scientific consulting expertise are available on a cost-recovery basis. Research groups having a major and ongoing need for fluorescence data acquisition may elect to receive training and provide their own qualified operator.
This facility has two fluorometers:
This facility began with the voluntary sharing of an SLM 8000 instrument that was loaned by its home department, owing to under-utilization and a lack of personnel to maintain it. Increased utilization in a broad range of research projects resulted. As the SLM instrument became obsolete and greater demand emerged for additional capabilities, an application was made to the Major Shared Equipment Program of the NIH/NCRR The current instruments were obtained in 2002 as a result of that successful application.