Residency Placement Data

With top-notch training and guidance, UB PharmD students match at the most competitive rates across the country and lead the Top 20 USNWR Pharmacy Schools in placement rates.

UB SPPS Residency Placement Data

Year National Match Rate*  UB SPPS Match Rate** UB SPPS Overall Residency Attainment***
2024 83% 98% 100%
2023 83% 93% 93%
2022 78% 90% 90%
2021 67% 86% 86%
2020 66% 71% 76%
2019 67% 77% 77%

*National Match Rate: rate of all P4 student PGY1 residency matches across the country

**UB SPPS Match Rate: rate UB 4th year PharmD students secure a residency position via ASHP Match

***UB SPPS Overall Residency Attainment: rate UB 4th year PharmD students secure a residency position via ASHP Match and/or through other opportunities