The Drug Discovery, Development and Evaluation Hub

A new way of approaching transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research.

SPPS researcher in lab.

The DDDE Hub leads and promotes high impact transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research within the school, across campus and throughout the academe through collaborative partnerships, innovative inquiry and robust scholarship.

DDDE Core Areas

  • Drug and Biotherapeutic Discovery
  • Drug Delivery and Biopharmaceutical Engineering 
  • Quantitative Molecular Biosciences
  • Clinical and Translational Therapeutics
  • Health Outcomes and Practice Advancement 

DDDE Goals

  • Enhance and expand UB's competitiveness for federal funding in relevant areas
  • Develop new research and training partnerships in the pharma and biotechnology sectors
  • Provide a scaffolding for intellectual property development
  • Establish a robust platform for interdisciplinary training grants and increase the number of doctoral degrees granted
  • Gain a reputational advantage for the university and each of the participating schools

DDDE Core Members

Liang Chen, MD, PhD

Professor, Pharmacy Practice, Division of Clinical and Translational Therapeutics

Department of Pharmacy Practice

Pharmacy Building

Phone: 716-645-2823


Bhaskar Das, PhD

Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Head, Division of Drug and Biotherapeutic Discovery

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Center of Excellence, 701 Ellicott Street

Phone: 716-645-2823


Sasmita Das, PhD

Research Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Division of Drug and Biotherapeutic Discovery

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Center of Excellence, 701 Ellicott Street

Phone: 716-645-2823


Philip Lazarus, PhD

Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Head, Division of Quantitative Molecular Biosciences

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

333 Pharmacy Building

Phone: 716-645-2823


Anne Talkington, PhD

Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Division of Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Systems Pharmacology

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pharmacy Building

Phone: 716-645-2823


Zhenjia Wang, PhD

Associate Professor of Empire Innovation, Division of Drug Delivery and Biopharmaceutical Engineering

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pharmacy Building

Phone: 716-645-4820


Yanan (Nancy) Zhao, MD, PhD

Professor, Pharmacy Practice, Division of Clinical and Translational Therapeutics

Department of Pharmacy Practice

310 Farber Hall

Phone: 716-829-5497
