Student Support Resources

Supporting hands.

Everyone needs support sometimes, whether it is with school responsibilities or personal challenges. UB and UB SPPS offices provide essential support and guidance to help students throughout their academic careers. This page is a resource to find answers to common questions and to access information you’ll need during the semester.

Our students have access to all the services provided by both the university and our school.

SPPS Academic Resources, SPPS Career Development, SPPS Computing and IT Support, SPPS Embedded Counselor, SPPS Sexual Harassment Information Advisor,  SPPS Research Resources, SPPS Scholarships, P4 Checklist

Safety & Emergency, Academic Support, Health & Wellness, Personal Support

Financial Aid, Student Accounts, UB Card, Registrar, Study Abroad, Parking and Transportation, Health Insurance, Immigration Services

Accessibility Resources, Campus Living, Campus Dining and Shops, Career Design Center, Counseling Services, Dean of Students Office, Esports, Health Promotion, Intercultural and Diversity Center, Orientation, Transition and Parent Programs, Startup and Innovation Collaboratory, Student Conduct, Student Engagement, Student Health Services, Student Unions, Veteran Services