Department Divisions

Pharmacy students counseling in Model Pharmacy.

The Department of Pharmacy Practice is composed of three operating divisions dedicated to supporting pharmacy practice-related research, scholarship and education.

Department of Pharmacy Practice Divisions

  • Division of Clinical and Translational Therapeutics
    The Division of Clinical and Translational Therapeutics (CTT) is a research intensive innovation hub. Our division's grant funding accounts for nearly half of all funding at the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  • Division of Education and Teaching Innovation
    The accomplished academicians in the Division of Education and Teaching Innovation (ETI) are committed to revolutionizing teaching through transformative methods and pioneering educational research, ensuring a dynamic and impactful learning experience.
  • Division of Outcomes and Practice Advancement
    The world-class faculty who make up the Division for Outcomes and Practice Advancement (OPA) lead a driving change at the convergence of practice and education, where practitioners, educators, and scholars work alongside each other to implement and evaluate innovations in healthcare delivery and education.