UB’s educational innovation on display at the AACP Annual Meeting

Jaime Maerten-Rivera, assistant director of assessment, and Robert Wahler, clinical assistant professor of pharmacy practice.

Jaime Maerten-Rivera, assistant director of assessment, and Robert Wahler, clinical assistant professor of pharmacy practice

By Kara Sweet

Published July 24, 2019 This content is archived.

Faculty, students and staff from the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences attended the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, to share the school’s leading-edge research and educational innovation with the pharmacy academic community.

Panels and Sessions


Jaime Maerten-Rivera, assistant director of assessment, participated in a panel discussion entitled "Co-Curriculum Assessment Modalities across Accredited Pharmacy Programs,” which discussed results from a nationwide survey conducted by an AACP Assessment Special Interest Group subcommittee on the implementation and assessment of co-curriculum by accredited pharmacy programs.

Maerten-Rivera was also part of the session “Data Overload? Three Approaches to Implementing Data-Driven Changes Using the AACP Curriculum Quality Survey,” a presentation on unique approaches to gathering data for programmatic assessment and accreditation. Fred Doloresco, director of assessment and clinical associate professor, pharmacy practice, also contributed.

James M. O’Donnell, dean, and William Prescott, clinical professor, pharmacy practice, participated in the session “Bridging the Gap from Fellow to Faculty: Building Effective Research Programs,” where they shared insight on fostering innovative and effective mentoring of research personnel to drive success.

Exhibits and Posters

The school was represented at an exhibit booth, where conference attendees stopped by to chat with faculty and learn more about our commitment to educate the health care leaders of the future.

A number of faculty and staff also presented posters at the various exhibit sessions.

  • Competency Driven Global Outreach Experiences
    Gina M. Prescott, Clinical Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice
  • Personalized Erythropoiesis in Hemodialysis Patients: The Novel PREDHICT Tool
    Calvin J. Meaney, Clinical Assistant Professor, Pharmacy Practice
  • Pharmacy Student Attitudes Toward Developing Curriculum for a Micro-Credential in the Pharmacist’s Patient Care Process
    Robert G. Wahler, Clinical Assistant Professor, Pharmacy Practice
  • Evaluation of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) to Assess Student Interprofessional Skills and Behaviors
    Nicholas M. Fusco, Clinical Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice
  • Effect of Observation Versus Active Participation on Self-Reported Interprofessional Collaborative Behaviors
    Nicholas M. Fusco, Clinical Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice
  • Pre- and Post-Travel Health Recommendations for PharmD Students Engaged in Global Health Experiences
    Gina M. Prescott, Clinical Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice
  • Identifying the Challenges in Implementing the Co-Curriculum Accreditation Requirement: A National Survey
    Jaime L. Maerten-Rivera, Assistant Director of Assessment

Alan Lau (PharmD '78) and Qing Ma, assistant professor, pharmacy practice, at our alumni and friends reception

The school also hosted a Monday evening networking reception for alumni and friends along the Chicago River.

For over 130 years, the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences has continually been a leader in the education of pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists, renowned for innovation in clinical practice and research. The school is accredited by the American Council of Pharmaceutical Education (ACPE) and is the No. 1 ranked school of pharmacy in New York State and No. 22 in the United States by U.S. News & World Report.