2019 PSSNY Business Plan Competition first and second place teams
By Kara Sweet
Published January 29, 2019 This content is archived.
University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences students won both main competitions at the Pharmacists Society of the State of New York (PSSNY) 2019 Mid-Winter Conference in Albany for the second year in a row.
The PSSNY Mid-Winter Conference is attended by over 200 pharmacists and student pharmacists.
The PSSNY Business Plan Competition required students to create a complex clinical addition of pharmacy support services in a physician’s office for patient outcomes and reimbursement. First place was won by Anna Augostini, ’21, Michael Danilov, ’21, Emanuel Jaffe, ’21, and Kira Voyer, ’21, under the advisement of Senior Associate Dean for Student, Professional, and Community Affairs Karl Fiebelkorn, BS ’78.
Second place was won by Anthony Gao, ’21, Quoc Pham, ’21, Andrey Polukhin, ’21, and Sindy Zhong, ’21, under the mentorship of Director of Assessment and Clinical Associate Professor Fred Doloresco.
Anna Mak, '20, Bryan Quinn, '19, and Jessica Costello, PharmD '18, PGY1 Resident
Bryan Quinn, ’19, and Anna Mak, ’20, under the advisement of Clinical Assistant Professor Christopher Daly, PharmD/MBA ’12, and Jessica Costello, PharmD ’18, won the poster competition for their poster entitled “Assessment of the Perceptions and Implementation of Patient Care Services Within Community Pharmacies: A Mixed Methods Study.”
The Pharmacists Society of the State of New York's mission is to unite the pharmacists of the state for mutual assistance, encouragement, and improvement in order to maintain the standard of pharmacy practice at a high professional and ethical level.
For over 130 years, the University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences has continually been a leader in the education of pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists, renowned for innovation in clinical practice and research. The school is accredited by the American Council of Pharmaceutical Education (ACPE) and ranked as one of the top 25 schools of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences in the United States.