UB School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences ACPE Explanatory Accreditation Statement

March 2020

The University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences acknowledges its noncompliant status for Standards 12 and 13, which focus on Introductory (IPPE) and Advanced (APPE) Pharmacy Practice Experiences.  With the full support of our clinical partners, we have implemented changes to ensure that all current and future students receive all required IPPE and APPE.

All current students in the fourth professional year (P4) have completed or are scheduled to complete at least 1440 hours of APPE, including at least 160 hours in each of the four required APPE areas; scheduling of APPE for future classes will follow this principle.

All current students in the third professional year (P3) have completed or are scheduled to complete at least 300 hours of IPPE, including at least 150 hours of IPPE balanced between community and institutional health-system settings, reflective of contemporary US practice models; scheduling of IPPE for future classes will follow this principle.

Our school is fully committed to providing students with outstanding experiential education.  This effort is being led by a new, highly experienced director and a new assistant director of the Office of Experiential Education, who have been provided with additional staff support and financial resources. 

The Dean and Executive Committee will monitor the program closely to ensure that all current and future students will benefit from the highest level of didactic and experiential education that meets both the letter and spirit of the accreditation standards.